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Creator God

Have you ever marvelled at the creativity of people around you? From those who effortlessly turn a few items into a work of art, to… Read More

A Right Royal Reflection

Psalm 61 1 Hear my cry, O God;    listen to my prayer. 2 From the ends of the earth I call to you,    I call as my heart grows… Read More

Easter Blessings

Here are a few thoughts for you to use in a quiet time this Easter week. Many blessings! E: Earth At his death Jesus came… Read More

Approaching Jesus

At the weekend I was privileged to be at one of our Fitfish retreats in the Cotswolds! In this week’s blog post I share a… Read More

A Weekend Reflection

In honour of the Queen’s 70th Jubilee we’ve have not just one but two bank holidays this week! You may already have got your long… Read More

Peace in a Restless World

Some thoughts and reflections from Fitfish Team member Pete Brookes, shared at our last Reflection Coffee and Conversation. Philippians 4: 4-9  4Rejoice in the Lord… Read More