Peas and Sweetcorn make you Fat!

Of course they don’t!! But this is often the kind of mindset that we can end up with when we have been dieting for a long time. And especially perhaps when we have been part of slimming groups. How can you lose this kind of mentality and break free from dieting?

Gaynor from Fitfish shares 3 tips



Very helpful!! Yes, I do sometimes binge on a whole packet of biscuits or a 200g bar of chocolate.


ADMIN says

Glad it helped!



HI Gaynor and the team and fellow friends.
Great reminder! The most of the time thing in particular! At the moment I’m on chemo and they keep saying ‘don’t lose weight’ which for me is hard. I want to focus on eating healthily most of the time and not on what I weigh! Until Fitfish I’ve done diets all my life. The temptation would now be to eat what I like - cake cheese etc etc but Listening to this talk helps me to remember I have a choice. It is not all or nothing and I can focus on eating what is going to be helpful as well as not beating myself up when I need to curl up in a ball with some chocolate!! Hope to see some Fitfish friends at New Wine this week. THANK YOU xx


ADMIN says

Ah, encouraging to hear it helped! Yes eating healthy most of the time is key. Well done you! Have a fab time at New Wine x


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