3 Reasons Why Accountability Works

Sometimes you know deep down that you really want to do something but you just can’t get yourself to do it! That’s when accountability can be really useful.

Here are 3 reasons why accountability works:

1. It Makes you Do It

The more that you invest in something beforehand the more likely it is to happen. This can be financial, but doesn’t have to be, it could just be sending a food diary to someone or telling a friend that you will meet them for a walk.

2. Recognition, Reward and Praise

These things make you happy and increase the endorphins flowing around your body. Your brain associates what you have done with feeling good. This makes you more likely to do it again.

3. Eliminates Unfocused Behaviour

Accountability stops the faffing! It frees up your brain to be more productive and makes you more ‘successful’ and confident.

You can find out more in the video below.

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I am unable to exercise at the moment because I have Trocanteric bursitis in my hip which is very painful. But I do have friends praying for me.


ADMIN says

Sorry to hear that Chris, that is very painful...
Praying it passes quickly and that you can look after yourself in other ways


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BRIG says

When you were describing eliminating unfocused behaviour, it seemed as tho there was a spotlight shining right into my thought processes! I've had a conversation with my husband re accountability; it remains to be seen whether we can be firm enough with each other!


ADMIN says

Yes, it's an underrated benefit of accountability......if we can eliminate unnecessary decisions and make healthy behaviours habit then we will benefit in so many ways


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