Healthy, Whole & Free – Alison’s Story
“As soon as I heard about Healthy, Whole and Free I knew it was something that I wanted to get involved in. I’m a petite early fifty-something, who since meeting my husband and getting married in March 2017, has slowly seen my weight creep up so that I was no longer comfortably fitting in my size 10-12 clothes – and instead had become a little too comfortable in the unhealthy habits that seem to befall on so many on getting married. My love of good food, wine and social eating has always been a passion for me. In the past, I’ve lost weight via Weight watchers, and maintained at goal weight for years by keeping the accountability of going to class, but the stone I’d lost that route had crept on slowly in the last couple of years.
One of the things I love about Healthy, Whole and Free is the weekly coaching call, where there is a chance for all to say how they are getting on and we can encourage one another via the Facebook group – I often find myself sharing tips and ideas with others on the course, but the best thing for me is that all are allocated a course buddy giving that more personal touch. I find this combination of accountability is really working for me, as we can share our struggles and achievements, share ideas that have worked for us. The spiritual aspect is really key too, and I certainly feel God is in the centre of the whole course.
A few weeks in, I’m certainly seeing the benefits, having found the Can Do plan structure really works for me, encouraging me to stick to my 5 day a week exercise goals. I’m more toned, and I’ve even managed to start getting to bed earlier, which is great for both of us – my husband is also benefitting from my increased will-power and is loosing a little weight as a positive side effect of me doing the course”.
You can find out more about Healthy, Whole & Free here
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