Christian Health, Christian Fitness, Christian Wellbeing, Christian Retreats

Breaking Free From Dieting Spring Harvest Talk

Today I wanted to give you the opportunity to listen to one of my Spring Harvest Talks.

This was the first talk that I did at Skegness Week 1 in 2024.

I talk about breaking free of the dieting mentality and placing God at the centre of your health journey.

You can find it where you normally listen to your podcasts if you search for 'Legendary Talks Spring Harvest' or you can listen via this link

Who wrote this blog?

Gaynor van der Burton

Gaynor is the founder of Fitfish and a Registered Assoicate Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) an Eating Behaviours Coach and an Advanced level Personal Trainer.

Christian Health, Christian Wellness, Christian Fitness, Christian Diet, Christian Wholeness, Christian Retreats, Christian Holidays, Christian Weightloss

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