Weight-loss and

Freedom from Dieting

Feel great, stop thinking about food

and eat what you want!

'Ready to stop thinking about food as much?!'

'Ready to lose weight without dieting?!'

'Ready to eat 'normally' like everyone else?!'

'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' John 10:10

A letter from Gaynor van der Burton Owner and Founder of Fitfish and the Healthy, Whole & Free Course


Do you want to experience freedom in the area of food, exercise and healthy living once and for all?

So that you can:

👍 Stop thinking about food so much...

👍 Eat what you want, when you want...

👍 Exercise because you want to...

👍 Get and stay at a healthy weight..

👍 And get deeper in your relationship with God?

Well, then this letter is your new best friend :-)

Let me tell you why...

But first, you NEED to hear this.

IT IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE for you to have breakthrough in this area.

It isn't reserved for the special few!

If any of this sounds like you...

"I've tried so many diets but I just cannot stick to them..."

"I love my food too much..."

"I just can't stop at one..."

"I am mainly healthy but then I just blow it..."

"I just can't resist the sugar..."

"Food is my friend...."

I Promise You You're Not Alone

Me in 2001

Me now

I Promise You You're Not Alone

These are the things that I hear all the time and I totally understand, I've certainly been there!

As a child and teenager, I was overweight, and in my 20s obese.

I could lose weight if I set my mind to it but it was a real effort and the results were never long-lasting.

I exercised mainly to burn calories and always thought about the next meal. When I 'broke' whichever diet I was on I would then go to the other extreme and eat as much as I could in the shortest possible time!!

I just couldn't break free from the cycle and it was on my mind all of the time.

Inevitably it impacted other areas of my life, including my social life, relationships with others and God.

After opening myself up to God's leading and direction, I began to take a path to freedom.

For the last 15+ years I have been able to:

*Eat what I want when I want

*Hardly think about food unless I am hungry

*Exercise (not that much I have to point out!) because I want to and see the results

* See that the rest of my life is in balance too

I am now a busy mum and these learnings and tools are seeing me through this period of my life with a healthy balance.

14 years ago I founded Fitfish and since then I have seen hundreds of guests benefit from the retreats and online courses.

As a Registered Associate Nutritionist (MSc) and Eating Behaviours Coach, I have supported hundreds through our Healthy, Whole & Free Course to find freedom in this area so that they can lose weight without dieting, feel great and stop thinking about food!

I want to specifically share the journey and the path that I learnt with you too so you can experience freedom.

You don't have to spend years struggling unnecessarily.

You don't have to feel it's so easy for everyone else but not for you.

You don't have to give up on yourself, God certainly hasn't!

You deserve to be set free in this area!

This is why I created the 'Healthy, Whole & Free' Course

Healthy, Whole & Free is a 6-step process that:

✅ sets the right FOUNDATIONS

✅ gets RID OF the dieting mentality

✅ DEALS with any reasons your body CRAVES certain foods

✅ changes HABITS

✅ overcomes SELF-SABOTAGE and


So that you can finally be free in this area WITHOUT spending any more time (or money or stress) on trying to figure it out.

Healthy, Whole & Free is based on REAL life experiences and tested, measured and proven techniques and strategies.

How would you feel if you finally break free?

What difference will that make in your life?

"God is good and I feel at last he heard my cries for help through Healthy, Whole & Free"

This is for you if...

  • You want to feel healthy and happy with God at the centre
  • You want to know step-by-step how you can go about finding this freedom
  • You want to stop going around in circles and have a clear path
  • You are ready to invest in you

And if you are sick and tired of...

  • The 'trial and error' approach of trying to be healthy
  • Fluffy advice that doesn't achieve tangible results
  • Feeling too busy and stressed to do anything, so doing nothing
  • Being 'on' or 'off' a diet

The End Result?

A healthy weight, feeling great, not thinking about food all of the time and eating what you want when you want!

By the end of the programme, here’s what will happen when you have implemented everything inside…

*You will have dealt with deep underlying issues..

*You will have got closer to God and included him in every step

*You will have real practical tools and insights to be healthy in your busy life…

Faster than you ever thought possible.


Here's how you break free:

The Healthy, Whole & Free Portal

The 6 steps are delivered in 6 modules. In each of the 6 modules you'll receive:

  • A short Video Teaching - taking you through the steps leading to freedom
  • A Resource Pack containing Worksheets, Tips, Techniques and Guides to implement your learnings effortlessly
  • A Reflection Pack with Bible verses, Studies and Reflections perfect to use in your quiet times to solidify and deepen your journey ensuring that God is at the centre.

Let's have a look at the modules...

Module 1:Foundations to Freedom

  • Roots for a healthy body, spirit and soul so that you can get the right foundation
  • Your own personal CAN DO Plan for effective progress
  • CAN DO Plan Training so you know how to make the most of it
  • My Top Rated CAN DOs that are so effective and bring results
  • Freedom Wheel to start to benchmark your progress
  • God's Promises to You to spur you on

Module 2: Breaking the Dieting Mentality

  • How to Recognise, Ridicule and Replace what you have learnt before in your dieting journey, so you can break free
  • Our Signature 80_20 Check Plate to easily guide you into healthier eating
  • Studies into the 'goodness of food' to reset your mindset
  • A focus shifter so that you start to see things through a different lens

Module 3: Conquering Cravings

  • Foods that help to prevent Cravings so that you can get them under control
  • How to break The Sugar Cycle to finally live free
  • Little Known Sugar Facts that will change the way you think
  • The Ultra Processed Foods cycle and how this affects you so that you're armed with knowledge
  • Digging Deeper Study to hear what God is saying to you about this process

Module 4: Changing Habits

  • How to decide whether to go Cold Turkey or Give Up Gradually
  • The Changes Toolkit to give you ammunition for the battles that you face
  • The Life Balance Wheel for a snapshot of how balanced you are currently
  • The Armour of God Prayer to equip you in the best way for daily challenges
  • Bible Verses for a Sound Mind to ensure that you are tackling situations in the right way
  • Scribble and Reflect - Influence - meditate on how external forces have had an impact on you

Module 5: Overcoming Self-Sabotage

  • The most common self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Why we really Self-Sabotage
  • Negative vs Positive Self-Talk
  • Living in a Fortress Not Fear
  • Casting out Fear to free you

Module 6: Ending Emotional Eating

  • Emotional Eating Reality Check
  • Adult vs Toddler Brain Behaviours
  • 'Bringing the Adult In' Techniques
  • Digging Deeper Bible Studies

Value of Portal £597

Only £299

for 6 months of support

PLUS my Golden Guarantee, if you're not free (plus lighter and healthier if that's your goal) at the end of 6 months, I will work with you 1:1 until you are!


delivered in manageable weekly chunks

(you can also access the whole course straight away if you would prefer)

6 months to do

whole course

Plus the

bonuses below

Healthy, Whole & Free Membership Bonuses

Bonus 1: Live Calls

Each month, we have two calls:

  • Coaching Call – Apply a coaching model to your situation, followed by Q&A, group breakouts, and optional 1:1 coaching.
  • Weight-Loss Focus Call – Learn how to lose weight in a non-diet way while following the path to freedom.

These calls take place on Mondays at 8 pm, with repeats on Tuesdays at 10 am and Thursdays at 7:30 pm. All sessions are also recorded, so you can watch them at any time.

(Valued at £347)

Bonus 2: FREE Fitfish for a Fiver membership

* 6 different LIVE exercise sessions per week to choose from

* YouTube Playlist of 100+ previous exercise recordings

* Monthly recipe pack

* Monthly podcast

*Monthly surprise!

(£5 per month saving)

Bonus 3: 6 Extra Teachings



*Fundamentals of Nutrition

*Fundamentals of Exercise

*Life Organisation

*Navigating Occasions

(Valued at £360)

Bonus 4: A Bonus for each module


  • a 12 min 5-day Exercise Plan with Video Demonstrations
  • Super Spices and Herbs Cooking from Scratch Module
  • Expert Recordings from the Fitfish Team

(Valued at £97)

Bonus 5: Private Members-only Facebook Group

* Extra content including videos

* Get all your questions answered by me

* Connect with other Christians on a similar path to you for support and inspiration

* Coaches, team mates, peers and cheerleaders all rolled in to one package!

* Supportive, helpful, inspiring community

(Valued at £197)

Bonus 6: 70 Recipes

70 Recipes

All of the recipes that I have sent out in 2024!

(Valued at £30)

Bonus 7: Meal Planning Masterclass

*Want to be finally free from thinking 'What am I going to cook tonight!?'

*Get one month of main meals sorted in one hour!

*This recorded, guided workshop uses a special blueprint and a searchable database to simplify and speed up your menu planning with ease!

(Valued at £100)

Bonus 8: Unlimited Coaching Calls

*Unlimited 15-minute coaching calls throughout your time on the programme

(Valued at £300)

Bonus 9: Glucose Curves Teaching

* 2-part series

* A game-changer for many of my clients. Lessen the impact of food on your blood sugar levels.

(Valued at £360)

Bonus 10: Golden Guarantee

* If you finish the programme and don't experience freedom in this area I will work with you until you do!

(Value Priceless!)

Total value of Bonus Bundle = £1,060+

Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything You’re Getting When You Join Me in the Healthy, Whole & Free Course

  • The Healthy, Whole & Free Portal (£597)

Step-by-step training, support and accountability on how to gain freedom

  • Bonus 1: Live (and recorded) Calls (£347)
  • Bonus 2: FREE Fitfish for a Fiver Membership (£30)
  • Bonus 3: 6 x Extra Teachings (£360)
  • Bonus 4: Monthly Bonuses (£97)
  • Bonus 5: Private Members-only Facebook Group (£197)
  • Bonus 6: 70 Recipes (£30)
  • Bonus 7: Meal Planning Masterclass (£10)
  • Bonus 8: Unlimited Coaching Calls (£300)
  • Bonus 9: 2-part series on Glucose Curves (Value £360)
  • Bonus 10: Golden Guarantee (Value priceless!)

Some great value!!!

Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately you’d be spending over £2,300!

(Which would still be a great deal)

But I'm not going to make you pay anywhere near that.

Just 299 for 6 months of life-changing support instead!

If you've got to this point in this letter and are still deciding if this is for you...

I don't want you to take my word for it that the Healthy, Whole & Free Course represents amazing value...

Check out what some of the previous clients have to say about the Course:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Inspirational and full of helpful information"

"All Christians need this...."

"Something must be working, I feel different and oh I have lost 16 lbs already, and I'm not on any kind of diet!"

"I've loved being part of a community"

"I loved how the course is God focused!"

"I really feel something has changed in me"

"I would recommend it to anyone!"

"I'm beginning to find freedom from the sugar

"I think the course is so fab"

"I am really enjoying the course"

"This course is life changing... I haven't eaten food in a negative context once and have lost well over a stone"

"Highly recommended if you are looking to make lasting healthy changes"

"I've learnt so much about what I do when and why"

"This course has helped me to find what being rich is..."

"Holistic care the way God intended!"

"From week one of the course I knew that I had made the right decision"

"It is worth every penny....I am so glad that I am breaking free!"

"I am on a journey to gain control over life-long poor habits and deep rooted issues. I am enjoying the ride!"

"The coaching calls are really valuable. I thoroughly recommend this course"

"A few weeks in and I'm certainly seeing lots of benefits and I'm more toned."

"My whole mindset is changing along with the care for my body"

"I like having the framework of the programme to stay motivated and to concentrate on one day at a time"

This Could Be YOU Too!

Imagine finally gaining freedom in this area

What would that mean for you now?

What would that mean for you in the future?

What if this could be your reality...

In a matter of WEEKS, instead of months, or years from now?

You don't have to do it all in your own strength anymore...

In fact, in just a couple months from now, you could be saying...

“I'm so glad that I made the decision to do the course, I feel great, don't think about food as much any more and can eat what I want when I want!"

Here Are The Top FAQs About Healthy, Whole & Free Membership

Here Are The Top FAQs About Healthy, Whole & Free Membership

QUESTION #1: "How much time will this take?"

You have a whole month per module so you can take from 1 hour to several a month to delve into the different layers of the course and bonuses as suits you. Week 4 each month is a 'catch up week' where no new content is released giving you chance to revisit weeks or catch up.

QUESTION #2: "How long will it take to complete the course?"

You will have covered the material in the course after 6 months and then you can choose to stay on with our HWFF Forever group for the same cost per month if you would like to

QUESTION #3: "What if it doesn't 'work'"?

If you follow the steps and tap into the support, the Healthy, Whole & Free Course will take you on the path to freedom.

But if it doesn't happen for you I will work with you 1:1 at the end until you're free and have reached your goals!

QUESTION #4: Do I need to be good at technology?!

Not at all.

This course was built with the “technophobe” in mind.

I want ALL the people who enter this programme to be able to get the same incredible results....

The course is delivered via email and via the portal, so as long as you have an email address you are good to go!

So if you're ready to get started...

Click the button below, join this fantastic community, and get ready to become the Healthy, Whole & Free version of you that you deserve!

I can't wait to see you inside!


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Christian Fitness and Christian Wellness

Supporting Christians in body, spirit, and soul.

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