Christian Health, Christian Fitness, Christian Wellbeing, Christian Retreats

Enhance your Environment for Better Health

Have you ever wondered why, as a nation, we're facing such significant challenges with our health and wellbeing?

• Is it due to changes in our genes?

• Is our willpower lacking?

• Or has our motivation dwindled?

Or could it be because our environment has dramatically shifted?

Our surroundings exert a profound influence on our lives.

Even minor adjustments can turn our environment from a hindrance to our health into a health helper steering us towards a healthier lifestyle.

Consider the dietary landscape over the past 50 years: what we consume today differs vastly from previous generations.

Fast food, takeaways, and ultra-processed foods dominate supermarket shelves, freezer aisles, and fridges, making it increasingly challenging to opt for nutritious options.

But just as our environment can hinder us, it can also empower us to make positive choices.

We hold the reins to shape our environment, whether in our homes, workplaces, or social circles.

Imagine this scenario: after a hectic day, you head to the kitchen, reaching for a large bag of crisps and a fizzy drink before settling in front of the TV, mindlessly snacking late into the night.

While there's no harm in indulging occasionally, if such habits don't align with your health goals, what changes could transform this scenario?

  • Could you redirect your path away from the kitchen?
  • Could you stock healthier options at eye level in the fridge?
  • Could you have a conversation with a friend with similar health goals?
  • Could you replace the TV remote with a hobby that nurtures your well-being?

Small changes to your surroundings can lead to significant shifts in habits and behaviours.

  • Consider the content you consume—does it inspire or discourage your wellness journey?
  • Are your social circles supportive and aligned with your goals?
  • Do you have mentors or peers who motivate and guide you with your nutrition choices?

So, how would you like to reshape your environment to improve your health choices?

Who wrote this blog?

Gaynor van der Burton

Gaynor is the founder of Fitfish and a Registered Assoicate Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) an Eating Behaviours Coach and an Advanced level Personal Trainer.

Christian Health, Christian Wellness, Christian Fitness, Christian Diet, Christian Wholeness, Christian Retreats, Christian Holidays, Christian Weightloss

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