Christian Health, Christian Fitness, Christian Wellbeing, Christian Retreats

Emotional Eating

Do you ever find yourself reaching for snacks when you’re feeling annoyed or stressed?

I know I have!

I keep chocolate in the bread bin, and when my son was a toddler, he had an uncanny ability to push my buttons. I don’t get annoyed easily, but somehow he managed it—and I would often find myself in the kitchen, heading straight for that bread bin!

Emotional eating is something many of us struggle with. It can make you doubt whether you can trust your body to tell you what you need.

Relearning how to trust our instincts and bodies can be a challenging journey, but it’s a crucial part of breaking away from emotional eating. As we start making choices based on our true needs, we can gradually rebuild that trust.

Here are a few tips to help you:

1. Eat When You Actually Feel Hungry

By responding to your urge to eat when you are hungry and stopping when you feel satisfied, you will train your brain to trust your body’s signals regarding when to eat and when to stop. This can make it easier to avoid eating based on emotions.

2. Identify What You Really Crave

Before you eat, pause for a moment to think about what you would like to eat. Do you want something sweet, savoury, hot, cold, crunchy, or chewy?

By paying attention to your body’s signals and satisfying them, you can learn to recognise when enough is enough, which will lessen the chance of seeking other foods to satisfy your cravings.

3. Check In with Yourself When You’re Emotional

When you’re emotional, before you eat, ask yourself, “Is this really what I want?”

Repeat the question several times.

If the answer is still yes, then go ahead and enjoy the food!

But if it’s no, consider what might truly satisfy you instead—whether it’s connection, relaxation, or something else entirely. This reflection can guide you toward healthier choices.

Remember, every meal and snack offers an opportunity to either care for yourself or create discomfort.

Recognising that you have control over these decisions is empowering.

I hope these insights inspire you to listen to your body as you navigate your relationship with food and emotional eating. If you would like support in exploring this further, consider joining the Healthy, Whole & Free programme. I would love to support you on this journey!

Who wrote this blog?

Gaynor van der Burton

Gaynor is the founder of Fitfish and a Registered Assoicate Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) an Eating Behaviours Coach and an Advanced level Personal Trainer.

Christian Health, Christian Wellness, Christian Fitness, Christian Diet, Christian Wholeness, Christian Retreats, Christian Holidays, Christian Weightloss

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