Step away from your day-to-day and give yourself the best chance to focus on making changes to create a healthier balance in body, spirit and soul.
Weight-loss and
freedom from dieting.
Feel great, stop thinking about food
and eat what you want!
5 Fitfish Fundamentals for just £5 per month PLUS a WELCOME PACK of 25 Five-Ingredient Recipes!
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Lose Weight Without Dieting Masterclass
Healthy, Whole & Free Course Testimonial
Struggling with overeating and longing to find freedom? Wondering how to bring God into it all?
Take this two-minute quiz to discover which of the four Emotional Eating Types best describes you.
Created by Fitfish and enjoyed by many.
Grab our 5 most popular recipes including slow cooker dahl, one pot spaghetti and chocolate balls!
Get the Recipes
Print out these Bible verses and stick them up or use them to prompt your journalling as you make space for God to work in your life and fuel your habit changes.
Want to be finally free from thinking 'What am I going to cook tonight!?'
Get one month of main meals sorted in one hour!
£10. Access the Masterclass here
6-module short video course with accompanying Action Pack and Bible Studies to allow you to finally sort this area of your life out with God's help!
5 Fitfish Fundamentals for just £5 per month PLUS a WELCOME PACK of 25 Five-Ingredient Recipes!
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