Christian Health, Christian Fitness, Christian Wellbeing, Christian Retreats

Calories on Restaurant Menus

"782 kcals"

The last time I went out for a meal was about a month ago with my lovely prayer quad. :-)

I had a chickpea curry and a cheesecake :-)

There weren’t any calories on the menu, but often there are.

How does seeing calories on a restaurant menu make you feel?

I don’t like it, but I know that some people do.

Has it affected your choices? For better or worse?

Here are three tips for a balanced approach when faced with calorie counts on menus.

Tip #1: Calories Are Just One Part of the Picture

If you want to treat your body well while dining out, you can use the calorie information as a guide, if it suits you. But don’t let it be the only factor in your choice. Enjoy great food that’s both delicious and nourishing.

Calorie counts aren’t the full story. Menus don’t tell you about:

✔️ Fibre content

✔️ Sugar or salt levels

✔️ How processed the dish is

✔️ Vitamins and minerals

✔️ Saturated fat content

Focusing only on calories can be misleading!

Tip #2: Food is More Than Just Fuel

Food serves four main purposes:

🍎 Nutrition

🔋 Replenishment

⚡ Energy

😋 Enjoyment

When dining out, remember the other reasons you’re there; atmosphere, community, socialising, and celebration. Don’t let calorie numbers take away the joy of the experience!

Tip #3: Choose What Works for You

If you’d rather not focus on calories, a good approach is the 80/20 guide, aim for 80% whole foods and 20% other foods that you love.

You can also:

🥗 Swap sides for salads or veggies

🍽️ Ask for smaller portions

🤝 Share dishes with friends

🧘‍♀️ Tune in to your hunger and fullness levels

And most importantly, enjoy the experience!

After all, dining out (probably) doesn’t happen that often.

What do you think about calories on menus?

Who wrote this blog?

Gaynor van der Burton

Gaynor is the founder of Fitfish and a Registered Assoicate Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) an Eating Behaviours Coach and an Advanced level Personal Trainer.

Christian Health, Christian Wellness, Christian Fitness, Christian Diet, Christian Wholeness, Christian Retreats, Christian Holidays, Christian Weightloss

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